The Browning Version

“This humorous piece is an extract from a play. ” What according to you make this extract humorous?

This play presents a funny situation. Frank, a young science teacher, finds sixteen year old Taplow waiting for his master Mr. Crocker Harris. This lower fifth form student has been asked to come in to do extra work on the last day of the school. Mr. Crocker Harris is leaving the school for good the…

What impression do you form of Mr. Crocker Harris on the basis of reading the play “The Browning Version”?

Crocker Harris is a teacher who teaches Greek to the lower fifth form a good school. He is the incharge of the form and as such he alone knows about the result of the students of his form which are to be officially announced the next day. From Taplow’s comments about Crocker Harris, we learn…

Crocker Harris does not appear on the scene yet we know much of him. Explain.

Crocker Harris is the main character of the play ‘Browning Version’, He does not make a physical entry throughout the play. The author has presented him indirectly and so perfectly that we get a crystal clear picture of Crocker Harris. There is a young teacher, Frank and his students, Taplow who get into a discussion….

What do you learn about the system of education in old, British schools from the play, “The Browning Version”?

In old British schools stress was laid on the study of classical language–Latin and Greek. Students of the lower fifth were made to learn a classic play like the ‘Agamemnon’. Since the stress was on the acquisition of language, the students found it uninteresting and very unpleasant. They could specialize only after completing fifth form…

“You know what he’s like, sir” says Taplow. What leads him to say so? What light does this throw on the man talked about?

Taplow does not know if he has got his form? It is because his master, Mr. Crocker Harris does not tell them the results like the other masters. He is a bit different when Frank says about the rule that form results should be announced by the headmaster on the last day of the term….