What impression do you get of Frank from the play?

Frank is a teacher at a good school. The other teacher in the play is Crocker Harris who actually never comes on the stage. We learn about Mr. Harris only from the conversation that goes on between Frank and Taplow. However, when compared to Harris, Frank appears to be a petty person.

Frank suffers from envy against Crocker Harris. He provokes Taplow to comment on Harris and enjoys the latter’s imitation of him. However, when he finds Taplow is in awe of Mr. Harris and cannot think of displeasing him, he can’t hide his feelings and admits that he feels envy of him.

He has no love for science which he teaches. This shows his dishonesty towards his profession.

In short, the character of Frank is a counterfoil of the character of Crocker Harris which shines because of Frank.

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