‘I crossed to oblivion and the curtain of life fell’. What was the incident which nearly killed Douglas and developed in him a strong aversion to water?

was about four years old when he visited a beach in California with his father. They stood together in the surf. Douglas clung to his father yet a powerful wave swept him and knocked him down. He was terrified. This developed a fear of water in him. Then, when he was eleven years old, he…

Describe the efforts made by Douglas to save himself from drowning in Y.M.C.A swimming pool.

When Douglas was picked and tossed into the deep end, he was frightened, but not so frightened that he lost his wits, entirely. On the way down, he planned that when his feet hit the bottom, he would make a big jump, come to the surface, lie flat on it, and paddle to the edge…

Douglas’s mother (ironically) thought that Y.M.C.A pool was safe for learning to swim. What are your views?

I think Y.M.C.A pool was not safe because Douglas wasn’t happy to go and learn there. Moreover, he was pushed into the deep water by a big bully and almost drowned. It led to life time fear of water for Douglas. OR I think Y.M.C.A pool was safe for learning swimming. It’s only because of…

‘All we have to fear is fear itself’. When did Douglas learn this lesson?

Once the writer realised that his fear of water was keeping him from enjoying any of the water related sports and activities, he decided to engage a swimming instructor, who gradually helped him face his fear. However, it was after his successful swimming attempts in Lake Wentworth and Warm Lake that the writer understood the…

What deep meaning did his experience at the Y.M.C.A swimming pool have for Douglas?

Douglas developed a fear of getting into the water at a very young age due to two severe water related accidents. However, later when he realised that he was missing out on a lot of fun because of his fear, he decided to face it. The experience of fear and death and its conquest made…