Why did the peddler knock at the cottage by the roadside? How was he treated by the owner of the cottage?

Pedler knocked at the cottage to ask for shelter for the night. The crofter treated him kindly; offered him shelter in his cottage and gave him food. He also played cards with him and smoked tobacco. OR The peddler knocked on the cottage by the roadside to ask for shelter for the night. The crofter,…

‘All we have to fear is fear itself’. Describe Douglas’ experiences which led to the making of this statement.

In this story, Douglas from his early childhood, was terrified of water and avoided it. However, when he entered his teenage, he had a desire to learn swimming. His terror of water created an obstacle in front of him. William Douglas, for a long time remained fearful of water. This handicap deprived him of the…

The childhood experience of terror of Douglas made him stronger and more determined. Elucidate the above statement supporting it with evidences from the text.

One day while Douglas was sitting by the pool side, a strong big boy picked him up and threw him into the deepest part of the pool. He sank to the bottom, but he tried to jump and come up gradually. As fear had gripped him, all his efforts went in vain. He was nearly…