Environmental Science

What are the impacts of Soil Pollution?

Following are some of the impacts of soil pollution: Soil pollution decreases soil fertility. Loss of soil fertility makes the soil inhabitable for plants and other organisms. Soil pollution has adverse effects on soil microbial population that plays important role in soil formation and keeping it fertile. Indiscriminate use of agro-chemicals destroys the soil flora…

Sources of Soil Pollution – Natural and Anthropogenic

Soil is a natural medium of inorganic and organic nutrients and has an inbuilt system of spontaneous recycling of matter. It is affected by changes in the atmospheric conditions as well as water contents and microbial population. Soil pollution is defined as an undesirable change in the natural, physical, chemical or biological components of the…

Sources of Water Pollution – Domestic, Agriculture, Industries

Approximately 33 percent of water pollution is by domestic sources, followed by agriculture- livestock with 29 percent, 27 percent by industry and 11 percent from other sources. Water Pollution Sources 1. Domestic Domestic sewage is wastewater generated from the household activities. It is 99.9 percent pure water; remaining 0.1 percent are pollutants which are both…

Water Pollution and Its Types

Nearly 50% of all marine pollution is caused by sewage and wastewater discharge. Annually, about 400 billion tons of industrial sate are produced globally, bulk of which is discharged untreated into the streams, rivers, seas, oceans and other water bodies. Water pollution means one or more substances building up in aquatic bodies to a limit…