Explain Any Three Measures Used by Producers to Expand Their Markets in the 19th Century.

The three measures used by producers to expand their markets in the 19th century were:

1. The Company took the direct control over the weavers through gomastha who were paid servants appointed by the company to supervise weavers, collect supplies ‘ and check the quality of the cloth. The Company also prevented the weavers from supplying the cloth to any other buyer. This prevention was done throqgh the system of advances. The weavers were given loans to buy the raw materials and were made bound to supply it the gomastha only.

2. The jobbers were employed to get new recruits. These jobbers were old and trusted persons who got people from the villages, ensured them jobs and their settlement in the cities along with financial h?lp during the times of crisis. Thus they had authority and power.

3. The Manchester industrialists also put labels (Made in Manchester) on the bundles of the cloth for the following purposes to make the place of manufacture and the name of the companyknown to buyers, for a mark of quality and tomake the buyers feel confident about the product. These labels carried the words, texts, images and beautiful illustrations which gives some idea about the mind of the manufacturers, their calculations and the way they approach the buyers.

Initially the images of gods and goddesses like Krishna and Saraswati appeared on the labels for making the buyers convince that there is divine approval to sell these products. In order to make the products more popular the products were printed in the newspapers, magazines and the most important on the calendars.

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