The author’s grandmother was a religious person. What are the different ways in which we come to know this?

The author’s grandmother’s religious nature is portrayed through various actions and behaviours:

Reading Scriptures in the Temple: The grandmother would often read religious scriptures while sitting in the temple, a daily practice reflecting her spiritual commitment.

Morning Prayers: While bathing and dressing the author for school, she would chant her morning prayers in a sing-song manner. This routine act connects her daily responsibilities with her spiritual life.

Accompanying the Author to the Temple: She would go to the temple with the author, emphasizing the importance of religious practice and sharing her faith with her grandson.

Chanting Prayers and Using the Rosary: After moving to the city, she continued her religious practices by constantly chanting prayers and telling the beads of her rosary. Her unchanging devotion, despite the change in surroundings, shows how integral her faith was to her identity.

These consistent religious practices weave throughout the narrative, highlighting the grandmother’s deep and abiding faith. Her spirituality is not just an abstract belief but a living practice that infuses her daily life, relationships, and even her final moments. Her commitment to her faith helps define her character within the story and provides a meaningful context for understanding her actions and values.

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