What is the difference between Marketing Information System (MIS) and Marketing Research (MR)?

It is essential to clarify the difference between Marketing Information System (MIS) and Marketing Research (MR).

1. Meaning

Marketing Information System: It consists of people equipment and procedure to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate and distribute needed timely and accurate information for decision makers.

Marketing Research: It is a systematic process of collecting and analyzing of data to solve marketing problems.

2. Purpose

Marketing Information System: The aim of MIS if to provide the required information for effective decision making.

Marketing Research: The purpose is to solve specific marketing problem.

3. Scope

Marketing Information System: MIS has wider scope than marketing research as the information collected if used not only for problem solving but also for prevention of problem.

Marketing Research: Marketing research has a narrow scope than MIS as marketing research is a part of MIS and is used to solve the problem.

4. Specific / General

Marketing Information System: MIS is general in nature as it is useful to solve wide range of problems.

Marketing Research: Marketing research is specific in nature as it is used to solve a specific problem only

5. Reports

Marketing Information System: MIS provides various reports such as periodic reports, plan reports, demand reports and triggered reports.

Marketing Research: In marketing research, there is only one report.

6. Frequency

Marketing Information System: Information collected frequently some times may be even every day.

Marketing Research: Marketing research is conducted less frequently. It is conducted only to solve specific problem.

7. Number of Problems

Marketing Information System: Data collected by MIS can be used to solve number of problems it can collect information on various problems at a time.

Marketing Research: Marketing research relates to one problem at a time.

8. Existence

Marketing Information System: MIS is the lifeblood of marketing and it is essential for all business units.

Marketing Research: Every business unit may or may not maintain a marketing research dept.

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