What are the aims and objectives of vocational guidance?

Following are the aims of vocational guidance :

1. Assisting the students to acquire such knowledge of the characteristics and functions, duties, responsibilities and rewards of occupations that are within the range of this choice.

2. Assisting a pupil to discover his own abilities and skills and to fit them into general requirements of the occupation under consideration.

3. Assisting the pupil to evaluate his own capabilities and interests with regard to their worth to him and to society.

4. Helping the individual develop an attitude towards work that will dignify whatever type of occupation he may wish to enter.

5. Give exploration opportunity in different areas of school learning and vocational exploration that will enable the learner to get the feel of several types of activities.

6. Assisting the individual to think critically about types of occupations and to lean a technique for analyzing information about vocations.

7. Assisting the mentally handicapped, the physically handicapped of the economically handicapped to make the adjustment that will be best for them in their struggle for a fuller life and for personal and social welfare.

8. Instilling in the pupil a confidence in the teachers and other guidance personal that will encourage him when he confers with them on personal and vocational problems.

9. Assisting the pupil to secure the necessary information about the facilities offered by various educational institutions engaging in vocational training.

10. Providing information for the learner about admission requirements, the length of training, and the cost of attending any institution of higher learning to which he my wish to go after graduation for high school in order to continue his vocational preparation.

11. Giving assistance during school years so that the individual will be able to adjust on the job work conditions and to other workers.

12. Assisting each pupil to appreciate his rightful place in a group of workers and to become a functional member of the team.

13. Altering the pupil to the long-range training needed to become proficient in most lines of endeavor.

14. Cautioning each learner concerning fads and pseudo scientific shortcuts to vocational competency.

15. Helping the learner realize that success is purchased at the price of effort, and that satisfaction on the job derives from doing his work competently.

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