Why and how was the Moral Re-Armament Army welcomed at the Gemini Studios?

Frank Buchman’s Moral Re-Armament Army comprising of a group of 200 people belonging to 20 nationalities visited Madras in 1952. The MRI was seen to be a counter movement to International Communism and people at the Gemini Studios did not think highly of communism and the Communist. But Mr. Vasan, the boss of Gemini Studios was fascinated by the MRA, so they could not have found a warmer than Gemini Studios in India. The MRA presented two plays ‘Jotham Valley and ‘The Forgotten Factor’ in the most professional manner. Six hundred people of the Gemini Studios saw the plays many times. These plays conveyed simple messages but their sets and costumes were very good. They impressed both the Tamil drama community and the Gemini Studios. The sunrise and sunset scenes of the ‘Jotham Valley’ continued to be copied for years to come.

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