Who is Nwakibie? And what did Okonkwo ask him?

Nwakibie was a highly successful man with three farms, nine wives and 30 children, who has taken all the titles of the Umuofian clan except one.

Okonkwo set out to make a successful yam farm of his own. He had nothing, he was forced to become a sharecropper. He humbly asked Nwakibie, a very successful farmer in the village, to borrow seed yams for his own farms. Okonkwo’s plan was to return two-thirds of his yielded crop to Nwakibie, keeping only one third for himself. Surprised and proud of Okonkwos’ sincerity, respect and ambition, Nwakibie not only complied with Okonkwo’s request but offered him double the amount of seed yams with which Okonkwo attempted to begin his own farm. Nwakibie gets impressed with Okonkwo’s hard work and gives him 800 yams, instead of 400 yams from Nwakibie. Nwakibie had already turned down similar requests from other young men. But he acknowledged Okonkwo’s earnestness and ambition and gave him twice the number of seed – yams he’d hoped for.

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