What is the significance of the ‘Voice of Humanity’?

‘Voice’ of humanity is the inner calling which pushes people to work for the good of all and motivates the conscious to treat the world as one.

Speaking at large about the progress of Europe in the field of art, literature, philosophy, science and technology, Tagore says that Europe had continued to be the forerunner as the people there used their knowledge for the benefit of all. Its beauty and knowledge has been open for all, Tagore being one of the examples of the recipient of it, basking in the glory of Europe’s passion to attain wisdom and perfection.

Tagore says that perfection comes with patience which is an outcome of love. Europe has been a place where ‘Voice’ of the people spoke for all, stood for all. During his travel from Calais to England, Tagore had witnessed the bush green farms, the bounty fields, which narrated the hard work put in by the farmers who had done an extremely valuable service to their motherland. A nation with such hardworking people can never be afflicted by misery.

Though, there came a time when Europe narrowed its use of intelligence, ingenuity and penchant for perfection only for its own endeavours. The advent of science and technology and the efforts to claim ownership and supremacy brought about discord in the harmony that Europe once shared with the world. Greed and creativity are an absolute contrast, hence, a greedy man can never be passionate for perfection, hence, will lack the feeling of oneness. The voices of sanity, restraint and sublime have become feeble. Man’s inner voice is lost in the din of factories.

Tagore, hence, says that the fight to claim supremacy is nothing but futile. The solutions to man’s various requirements must be shared with all, rather than keeping it restricted to oneself. For the everlasting gains, the benefits of one’s progress must be shared with others. Its very essential for mankind to live like one united family, like a closely knit entity. That would be the triumph of Truth.

Thus, Tagore states that this ‘Voice’ of humanity is getting heard again and that was why he has visited Europe in search of the ‘Voice’, to make the world one harmonious entity.

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