What are the disadvantages of Written Communication?

There are many advantages associated with written communication, but there are also multiple disadvantages associated with its being. The main disadvantages of written communication are:

1. Time Consuming

In order to craft an impeccable piece of document, one has to invest an ample amount of time which is indeed difficult in constrained timelines.

2. Non-flexible

A written document cannot be altered once circulated. This makes written communication non- flexible as every written word is concrete and final

3. No Scope for Clarification

If the document is not curated keeping the less informed person’s mind-set in check, the details cannot be perceived by such people via the formulated written document.

4. Demands Writing Proficiency

In order to deliver the message adequately across the other end, one should have competencies in the writing sector.

5. Probability of Wrong Interpretation

If there are complex words or difficult sentences included in the writing document, one may interpret a wrong/no meaning out of it. Thus, in order to use written communication, one should make use of easy language.

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