What are the causes of HIV AIDS in India?

The causes of HIV/AIDS in India varies from other countries.

1. Migration

The rural people migrate from economically backward areas to industrially developed ones in search of employment. They are living in unhygienic conditions, lack awareness about HIV/AIDS, transmission, health services etc. They may visit sex workers and infect their wives and others in the home community.

2. Sex Workers

The women are always forcefully compelled, or for poverty or marital failures engage in prostitution or sex work. They themselves are infected and also infects others. The frequency of transmitting AIDS is very high through sex workers rather than other means of transmission.

3. Injecting Drug Users

In these cases, the drugs are injected into the body through needles and these injections and syringes are already infected and are used by multiple group members.

4. Truck Drivers

The truck drivers and their helpers had to travel thousands of kilometres from one state to another from the roadside. They are fatigued and remaining months away from the family. Therefore, they easily get along with the sex workers or prostitutes and are infected by HIV.

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