
How is the site of Dholavira different from other Harappan cities?

Major Harappan sites have brought to light excellent evidence of planning and layout of habitation. There is a similarity between all the major Harappan settlements as far as town planning is concerned. In most of the Harappan sites, a Citadel and Lower Town have been discovered. However, the site of Dholavira, is an exception which…

Name the Director-General of Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) who announced the discovery of Mohenjodaro in the Indus Valley to the World.

John Marshall Indian archaeologist, who was the Director-General of the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) named John Marshall discovered Mohenjodaro in 1924.

Which were the contemporary civilisations which co-existed with the Harappan civilisation?

The Harappan civilisation did not exist in isolation. There were a few other important civilisations which existed at the same time period. These were the Mesopotamian civilisation (present-day Iraq), the Egyptian civilisation, and the Chinese civilisation. The Harappans had trade links with all these contemporary civilisations. In terms of geographical extent, the Harappan civilisation was…

How do archaeologists trace socio-economic differences in Harappan society? What are the differences that they notice?

The socio-economic differences in the Harappan society were traced on the basis of studying the burial systems and the luxuries possessed by different groups. In the Harappan society there was a general tradition that the dead people were buried in the pits. Some of the pits was also filled with pottery and other ornaments. The…

What were the main building materials used during the Harappan civilisation?

The most important building material that was used by the Harappans to construct their structures were sun-dried or burnt bricks. These bricks were made in moulds of standardised ratios. Baked bricks were used abundantly in Harappa and Mohenjodaro as well as in other settlements of the civilisation. Apart from bricks, mud mortar and gypsum were…

Describe the plumbing features of houses in Mohenjodaro.

In most ancient cities, water was retrieved from a central well or river. People usually dumped their wastes into open drainages or ditches. Only the rich and affluent had separate bathrooms. In contrast to this, the people of the Indus Valley civilisation developed a very advanced system of plumbing. In Mohenjodaro, almost every household had…