State any five points that highlight the importance of controlling.

Five points that highlight the importance of controlling are:

1. Accomplishing organisational goals: It helps in accomplishing organisational goals by bringing to light, deviations if any and indicating corrective action.

2. Making efficient use of resources: It helps in making efficient use of resources by ensuring that each activity is performed in accordance with predetermined standards.

3. Ensuring order and discipline: It ensures order and discipline among employees by keeping a close check on their activities.

4. Improving employee motivation: It improves employee motivation as the employees know well in advance the standards of performance on the basis of which they will be appraised.

5. Judging accuracy of standards: It helps in judging the accuracy of standards in the light of changes taking place in the organisation and in the environment.

6. Facilitating coordination in action: It facilitates coordination in action as each employee and department is governed by pre-determined standards which are well coordinated with one another.

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