Short Note on Changing Lifestyles in India


The market oriented economic and consumerism creates pressure in the minds of people to possess as many goods as possible even beyond their limitations. The Mall and multiplex culture has ruined the spending habits in urban areas.

Rave Parties

Easy and quick money earned by the youth in urban areas, have changed the spending habits and idea of entertainment for them. Partying hard with liquor and drugs have become the new means of enjoyment and entertainment.

Increase in Crimes

With privatization and globalization in India, unemployment of manual labour and semiskilled labour has indirectly increased the crime rate in urban as well as rural areas. Need for easy and quick money and weakening value system, youth get trapped in the anti-social activities very easily.

Changing Family Patterns

With increasing urbanization and influence of western culture, the nature of the family has changed from joint to nuclear to live in relationship. Same sex marriages, has started gaining acceptance. With equal opportunities to women and career oriented couples there is a rising number of DINK (double income no kinds) parents.

Food Habits

Food habits and dressing habits have also changed drastically with the advent of globalization.

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