What is the need for Delegation?

The need for delegation can be justified on the following grounds :-

1. Volume of Work

Increasing volume of work requires that there should be some sort of delegation. It becomes difficult for the head of an organisation to keep all the workload to himself. If he continues with it then there will be neither efficiency nor economy.

2. Complexity

Complexities of rules and techniques have further added to the volume of work. The operational procedures of the organizations are becoming more and more complex. The line agencies, being compelled by the complexities delegate the work of deliberation, thinking and formulation of plans to staff specialists, though the ultimate power to approve the plans lies with the line agencies.

3. Saves Time for Policy Formulation and Planning

Executive head always needs more & more time for planning and policy formulation. If he remains busy with minor details, he would not be able to devote much time to planning and decision making. The superior who delegates effectively, is free to do more supervisory work and overall planning.

4. Educative Value

Delegation has an educative value. As one of the major duties of the manager is to train his subordinates in the art of sharing responsibility and making decision, delegation plays a phenomenal role in this direction. It provides an opportunity to the subordinates to get training in the field of sharing responsibility.

5. Development of Management

The process of delegation provides managerial development training and helps in the creation of a managerial class of subordinates. The executives at different levels can make decisions and action on many vital issues on their own.

6. Organisational Flexibility

Organisational Flexibility is possible due to delegation. Delegation removes rigidity and helps in acting in accordance with the changes in situation.

7. Economy and Efficiency

Delegation of authority helps in the division of labour, essential for the discharge of duties efficiently. Delegation minimises delays and makes the organisation to act more efficiently and economically.

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