How has Tut’s mummy fascinated the scientists and commoners alike over the previous decades?

King Tutankhamun was the last Pharoah left of his line. His funeral marked the end of a dynasty. He was laid to rest laden with gold as the royals in Tut’s time were extremely wealthy and thought they could take their riches with them. His tomb was discovered by Howard Carter, an English archaeologist in 1922, more than 3000 years after his death. The rich royal collection of jewellery and golden artifacts fascinated Carter. Visitors thronged the boy King’s tomb. The particulars of King Tut’s death and its aftermath are not clear. He revealed a startling fact. The breastbone and front ribs of Tut were missing. On 5th January, 2005 a CT scan was done to obtain precise data for an accurate forensic reconstruction of King Tut. It was hoped that it would offer new clues about his life and death. Thus Tut’s mummy has been the centre of fascination throughout the previous decades.

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