Explain the causes and treatment for auditory disabled.

A person who is unable to hear a sound of 30 db can be considered as deaf. The person with speech impairment and stammering are considered to be dumb. Those who are deaf by birth are dumb as well as they haven’t heard the sounds required to be able to speak and converse.

Types of Deafness

  1. Conduction deafness: Defect in the ear drum or middle ear causes this kind of deafness.
  2. Nerve deafness: If the connecting nerves get damaged or wakened due to old age or other reasons, then nerve deafness can occur. It is caused due to damage to the basilary membrane.


  1. Genetic disorder or hereditary.
  2. German Measles to pregnant woman.
  3. Over dose of antibiotics.
  4. Inefficient treatment in Jaundice, meningitis, viral infections can lead to deafness.
  5. Accidents or severe injury to inner ear, ear drum of nerves joining ear and brain.
  6. Continuous or sudden exposure to high decibel sounds near airports or a bomb blast or in industrial setup with high decibel sounds can also lead to partial or total deafness.
  7. Infection or inflammation of ear can cause deafness.


Depending on the root cause for deafness, deafness can be controlled or cured in some cases or in case of total loss of hearing aids are available to enable hearing. Speech therapy in case of stammering or dumbness helps the patient where the communication can take place through the use of sign language.

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