Does Ekwefi Okonkwo’s second wife, really kill the banana tree?

The feast of the New Yam was approaching, Okonkwo was edgy as his family was busy preparing with the feast. He was always uncomfortable sitting around for days waiting for a feast or getting it over. He would be very much happier working on his farm. Three days before the feast, Okonkwo was walking aimlessly in his compound in suppressed anger, he suddenly found an outlet. He accused Ekwefi, his second wife of killing a banana tree. Even though the tree was very much alive. Okonkwo’s second wife, Ekwefi, had merely cut a few leaves off it to wrap some food. Without further argument Okoknwo gave her a second beating and left her and her daughter weeping. The beating served as an outlet for Okonkwo’s anger. Just then Okonkwo picked up his rusty gun and Ekwefimuttered something about guns that never shoot. Okonkwo heard the remark and pulled the trigger. His shot missed. Ekweficlambered over the dwarf wall of the barn. After hearing a loud report accompanied by the wail of his wife and children, he threw down the gun and jumped into the barn. Ekwefiwas lying there, very much shaken and frightened but quite unhurt.

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